Field guide to the Cetaceans of West Africa
- Field guide to the Cetaceans of West Africa
- Van Waerebeek et al 2000 Conservation status of cetaceans in Senegal and the Gambia_WAFCET1 Report
- Van Waerebeek et al 2003 Conservation of cetaceans in the Gambia and Senegal
- CMS 2012 Conserving cetaceans and manatees in the western African region
- Guidelines for the safe and humane handling and release of bycaught small cetaceans from fishing gear
- Stranding Training for Gabon ANPN Ecoguards English
- IUCN Guidelines for Species Conservation Planning
- Global Marine Stranding Toolkit Website
- IUCN Integrated Conservation Planning for Cetaceans – full report in English
- Whale and dolphin basics: A4 fact sheets from the International Whaling Commission